
Winnakee Launches “Forever Forests”: A Campaign to Protect 10,000 Acres in Ten Years

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 21, 2022                            Rhinebeck, NY – In celebration of International Day of the Forests today, Winnakee Land Trust announces Forever Forests, a campaign to protect 10,000 acres in ten years across the Hudson Valley. “The importance of acting to protect local forests, and the ecosystem services they provide, is at a crucial window...
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Reaccreditation Stakeholder Notification/Public Notice

“Winnakee is proud to be an accredited land trust since 2012, and reaffirms our dedication to meeting the highest national standards for excellence and conservation permanence in our land protection practices. We are grateful to work among a network of effective and qualified partners in meeting our ambitious conservation goals to protect 10,000 acres in...
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Winnakee Land Trust Acquires 700 Acres

“Acquisition of these extraordinary properties offers unique benefits for our local communities. In addition to protecting and preserving threatened natural habitats, vulnerable watersheds and productive farmlands, the acquisitions afford Winnakee the opportunity to design and conduct natural resource management plans to strengthen the ecosystem’s capacity to adapt to shifting climate patterns. Each of us will benefit from...
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For Immediate Release: May 28, 2019 Rhinebeck, New York….The Board of Directors of Winnakee Land Trust announced today the appointment of Robert Davis as the new Executive Director of the nonprofit organization. Before joining Winnakee, Davis served since 2008 as Director of Forest Properties at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF). In...
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