Current Easement Holders Information

Safeguard the Conservation Values of the Property

Landowners choose to place conservation easements on their properties to guarantee that the land is permanently protected for certain values. As the easement holder, WLT makes a legal commitment to ensure that the purposes of the easement are achieved. The easement stewardship staff aims to collaborate with landowners to achieve this commitment by upholding the terms of the conservation easement. WLT staff members are available to work with landowners to understand the easement, to evaluate whether certain land uses are compatible with the easement terms, and to resolve any issues together.

One of the best opportunities that landowners and WLT stewardship staff will have to meet and discuss the easement is during the WLT Annual Easement Stewardship Visit. However, we encourage landowners to contact WLT’s Easement Stewardship staff at any time with questions or to request more information.

For questions about your easement, please contact Jen Adams at

Easement Holders FAQ 

When should I contact WLT regarding my easement?

In addition to the annual visit, please feel free to contact WLT’s Easement Stewardship staff if you are ever unsure if an activity is consistent with the conservation easement. Each conservation easement is unique. However, WLT generally requests that landowners contact us before:

  • Conducting a commercial timber harvest
  • Building a new structure
  • Exercising a reserved right as defined in the Conservation Easement Agreement
  • Transferring title or selling property

What are my responsibilities as the owner of a property with a WLT conservation easement?

As the owner of an easement-protected property, you are responsible for working with WLT to ensure that use of the property is consistent with the terms of the easement.

Does my conservation easement restrict my ability to sell, bequeath or give my land?

No, you may still sell or convey your land to a different owner at any time and at any price. However, many easements require that separate parcels covered by the same conservation easement stay under a single ownership, as well as prohibit subdivision of parcels. Conservation easements run with the land forever so the property will still be subject to the conservation easement even under new ownership. WLT asks that landowners notify us in writing at least 20 days prior to transfer of title.

The Easement Stewardship Process: Our Annual Visit

To ensure that the terms of the easement are being upheld, WLT conducts annual visits to every easement-protected property to document its current condition and track any changes in ownership or management activities that might affect the property’s conservation values.

Below is an overview of this process so that landowners may know what to expect on an annual basis:

Prior to the visit

  1. Contact the landowner(s) to schedule the annual visit. Preferably, we will schedule the visit at a time and day so that the landowner(s) may meet with us in person and/or accompany us.
  2. Review easement documentation (WLT) – The WLT staff member conducting the visit reviews the baseline documentation report, past monitoring reports, the original conservation easement, and prepares a plan for the visit.
  3. Review easement documentation (Landowner) – We encourage the landowner to review the same documents and prepare a list of questions/concerns to be brought up to the staff member on the day of the visit.

During the visit

  1. Meet the landowner/designated representative – WLT staff and landowners will discuss any current or future management plans for the property, follow-up on any past issues, and formulate a route for the visit. The annual visit is a great time for landowners and WLT staff to discuss the easement, review recent or upcoming management activities, and answer any questions.
  2. Walk the property – Depending on the size, accessibility, and terrain of the property, the staff member along with the landowner, if they wish, will walk as much of the property as possible. In our experience, the majority of issues we observe regarding easement compliance arise from outside uses of the property (ex. dumping of yard or other waste, prohibited vehicle uses, etc.). A primary focus of our visits is thus checking the condition of property boundaries along roads and abutting properties.

After the visit

  1. Produce the annual monitoring report – The staff member who conducted the visit will compile the photos, maps, and observations taken during the visit into a final report. The report is saved in our records and a copy will be sent to the landowner for their review. Any observed issues or potential easement violations are listed in the report. It is the responsibility of the landowner to take steps to address the issue(s). The landowner is encouraged to contact WLT staff with any questions or concerns regarding the annual monitoring report.
  2. Follow-up with the landowner(s) – WLT may contact the landowner(s) later in the year following submission of the monitoring report to check if the landowner received the report, has any questions, and/or has taken steps to address any observed issues.
For questions about your easement, please contact Jen Adams at


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